The Scholarship

The Christy McCall Arts Scholarship was established in 2020 in honor of Christy McCall, a graduate of the Class of 2001 at Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls (LF) who passed away from leukemia in 2017.

This scholarship is available for a promising visual arts student in their Junior year to apply towards their Senior year tuition at LF.

The recipient will be chosen by Mrs Diehl, the current Fine Arts Department Chair and former teacher of Christy throughout her time at LF. An emphasis will be placed on artistic ability in selection of the recipient.


  • The recipient will exemplify the spirit of creativity and individuality that Christy McCall (the scholarship namesake) was known for at the discretion of Mrs. Diehl (the current Fine Arts Department Head).
  • The Christy McCall Arts Scholarship will be awarded to one junior who is currently enrolled in art courses at Little Flower.
  • The Recipient will be chosen through an application process by the Fine Arts Department Head. The process shall include, but not limited to submitting a portfolio for visual arts or auditioning for performing arts.
  • The Recipient will participate in at least one Little Flower Arts class in her senior year at Little Flower.
  • The Recipient will be in good academic standing and maintain an average of 85 or higher in Studio Art Classes, as well as discipline.
  • The Recipient must have two years experience being enrolled in Studio Art, Ceramics, and/or Graphic Design, with the knowledge that she must be enrolled in an art course her senior year.
  • The Recipient must be in good financial standing with tuition.
  • The Application process will begin in January of each school year.
  • The Recipient will complete Service Hours as part of the application process.
  • The Recipient will volunteer at Open House to share her experiences as an art student at Little Flower.


This scholarship was created by family and friends in memory of Christy

100% of all donations will go to the scholarship. Our wish is for the individual who receives this award to continue the spirit of creativity and individuality that Christy was known for throughout her life.
